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Rachel Hansen

Posted on December 10 2014

Wow, so after MUCH talk and planning and excitement: here it is!  

It's been quite a week: we created this website, launched our Facebook page and officially registered as a limited company.  

Behind the scenes over the past few months I have been spending a lot of time pouring over research on gender, the effects of marketing on children and behavioural & developmental psychology - it's fascinating stuff!

I have also developed a habit of entering into detailed discussions with random parents about their children's clothes and their choices around them.  More fascinating stuff, and I keep hearing over and over and over again how people are sick of the overly gendered and stereotyped clothing choices available. There are many decisions to be made over the coming months, but one thing I am quite clear on: there will be NO 'boys' or 'girls' clothes sold by Freedom Kids.  ALL kids will be free to wear ALL clothes. 

I would love for people to connect with us on our Facebook page - we would love input from YOU about what is important to your family and what we can do to make it easier for you to raise kids with the freedom to be themselves.

Rachel xxx

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